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Halloween 2016 : Kyuutarou-kun 吸太郎くん

Name : Kyuutarou-kun 吸太郎くん (OC Chibi)
Character : Basketball Vampire
Position : Point Guard for the Okinawa High
Height : 175cm  Weight : 64kg
Birthday : 8 October 1995

Kyuutarou-kun loves playing basketball (and his packet of fresh blood). He is a point guard for the Okinawa High. As a dracula, he has an extra-sensory perception on all the players in the court, giving him an on-court intelligence. He is a mastery of ball handling.

Every night he begins his training at 12am when the moon is at the fullest. He perfects his ball handling skills by dribbling between his legs and throwing candy in the air and catching it in his mouth. As a result, he can skillfully manoeuvre in and out of his opponents like they are traffic cones. He possesses the power of hypnotism which enables him to daze the defender for a few seconds, enough for him to do a crossover towards the basket. Then he passes the ball to whoever is available; his teammate who is going for a dunk or the one standing just outside the three-pointer arc.

Kyuutarou always keep a packet of fresh blood to keep him energized. Be careful not to get captivated by his cuteness or else you too will get hypnotised!

Written by Max

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