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Wonfes 2016 (Part 2)

To All,
Here I am with Part 2 this time round. For easier reference, I have listed out all the series under the different parts once again, and I hope there's at least one series which you are interested in this time round as well!

Part 1: Card Captor Sakura, Fate Series, Fire Emblem If, Full Metal Alchemist, God Eater, Girls Und Panzer, Haifuri, Idolm@ster

Part 2: Kancolle, Koutetsujou no Kabaneri, Love Live!, Monogatari, Musaigen, One Piece, Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica. Re: Zero kara Hajimaru Isekai Seikatsu, Rockman.exe

Part 3: Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata, Sword Art Online, Servamp, Show by Rock, The Table Museum, Touken Ranbu, Vocaloid

Part 4: Single figure series announcements

Kantai Collection (Kancolle)

First off, let's start with the Nendoroid announcements by Good Smile Company! We have with us: Hatsuzuki, Iowa, Kiso, Nagato, Pola, and Yuudachi Kai Ni.

Good Smile Company is also making a 1/8 scale of Bismarck.
Next up are quite a few things from Max Factory! First off we have a figma Iowa and Kashima.

A 1/8 scale Iowa and Murakamo.

Amakuni is making an Ooyodo of unknown scale.
Broccoli is producing 1/8 scale Yuudachi Kai Ni.
And last but not the least, we have Ques Q. This year, they announced Iowa and Kashima, both of unknown scale.

Koutetsujou no Kabaneri

From this series, we have a Nendoroid and scale figure (unknown scale) Mumei by Good Smile Company. We also have a figma Mumei by Max Factory. Looks like Mumei is quite popular? I wish they would make her in her everyday Mumei design and not the warrior one.

Love Live!

For the 1/7 scales by Alter, the painted prototypes of Kousaka Honoka and Ayase Eli are finally announced. Somehow, Eli's seem to be of a higher quality just by judging from the photos alone.

FigFIX was also announced for all nine girls in their cheerleading outfit (Paradise Live Album Cover outfit) of which Honoka is all painted and displayed already.

Monogatari Series

From this series, we have Max Factory's Figma Yotsugi as well as a Yotsugi scale by Good Smile Company.

Musaigen no Phantom World

Sadly, all the figures from here are of Kawakami Mai. Not that I have anything against her, but I would like some figures of the other casts to be produced as well. That aside, she has 2 figures announced this time round, by Ques Q (1/7 scale) and Aquamarine (unknown scale)  respectively.

One Piece

Megahouse are giving us 1/8 scales for Boa Hancock and Trafalgar Law. Behold!

Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica

Let's start off with the Nendoroid announcements. Nendoroid Tomoe Mami and Nendoroid Akemi Homura were announced, and will be made by Good Smile Company. I'm looking forward to these!

From Good Smile Company, we also have 1/8 scales of Tomoe Mami, Kaname Madoka, Miki Sayaka and Sakura Kyouko announced. Of which, all three but Kyouko has an unpainted prototype on display already.

Re:Zero kara Hajimaru Isekai Seikatsu

From this series, we obviously have Rem. Though it's a bummer that there's no Ram figure, it can't be helped since Rem has a much more prominent role in the later few episodes. Also, we do have an Emilia figure by Kotobukiya that is up for pre-order for quite a while now, so don't forget about her too!

The Rem figures are of unknown scale and will be by Alter and Good Smile Company respectively!


We have a Nendoroid by Good Smile Company and an scale figure (unknown scale) by Sentinel.

Hope that you found something you can look forward to. Stay tuned for Part 3!

From Your Fellow Collector,

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