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Milkcananime Character : Tako-Rin

Milkcananime Character : Tako-Rin (Dumbo Octopus)

Name : Tako-Rin
Released : 18 March 2016
Platform : Goodies Stamps
Creators : Milkcananime x Chichi Romero
A sea octopus living deep on the ocean floor, Tako-rin has a unique bell-shaped body and a rather large ears that resembles that of the Dumbo elephant. She spends her days hiding among seaweed, or rolling about in the sand, camouflaging and pretending to play hide-and-seek with the few passing visitors that come by her way. She is a rather spontaneous creature, and is easily distracted - chasing that stray moving crustacean that dares venture to the depths she thrives in. Her rather excitable personality when meeting new people, leads her to have sudden mood swings causing her to change colours in excitement. She also tries to keep herself occupied, by playing dress-up or humming the latest ocean tune from 'Down under'.



Written by Max

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