A Letter To Nagisa
Dear Nagisa-kun,
Ogenki desuka? I'm so relieved to hear that you have finally worked up the confidence to convey how you really feel to your folks about swimming. It would be a devastating loss if they didn't allow you an opportunity to express yourself which would affect your ultimate fate in the swimming club. While education is undoubtedly important, honestly it doesn't decide anybody's future since nobody could predict what might just happen tomorrow or over the next few minutes. Your life breathes in fun and joy whenever it touches the water. Gosh, fun also happens to be the title of one of your character songs. You are the most charming when breaking into laughter or merely flashing a smile.
I've always wanted to write you a letter, and I'm glad that I could finally gather those thoughts and feelings around in order to do so. I've always wondered what a friend like you would be like. Do you know that we share several common interests? I dig horror movies and the roller coaster. I'm quite the sweet tooth as well, even though those wobbly globs around my waist are threatening to multiply. While I don't mind strawberry ice-cream, my favourite has to be matcha ice-cream. Oh, the special bread that you eat religiously for lunch every day...I wish that I could try some of that. Is the bread really called 'Iwatobikkuri Pan'? What a creatively mouth-watering pun!
I truly admire and respect the friendships you have forged with the rest of the Iwatobi High School Swimming Club members. Such a dream team is one in a million. Even though you could become somewhat annoying and persistent out of your frequent gut instincts, you have actually helped bring out the best of your friends, particularly Rei-kun (don't worry, I won't fight with you over the use of Rei-chan because I believe that only you can call him that). I still remember how your body had nearly gave way from all that running to school with Rei-kun simply because you wanted to convince him to join the swimming club. Oh, and I think that he secretly wants your undivided attention. There have been instances where Rei-kun gets somewhat jealous or unhappy or [insert other word here which implies that he is craving for your attention]. He doesn't seem to hate it when you display physical affection towards him either.
This might sound really odd, but on that day when you feared that Rei-kun was going to quit the swimming club and you tried so hard to prevent him from running his errands and such, I thought that you looked rather cute being so vulnerable in front of him. Rei-kun was definitely taken aback by your cuteness...I mean, vulnerability. Anyway, that was indeed a touching moment for it meant that beyond the team spirit and unity, there was also the strengthening of personal friendships. Your unwavering loyalty towards others continues to be an important driving force. Honestly, nobody would have thought about how annoying or persistent you are in the end. Your presence adds in so much fun and joy into others. I wish that we could be friends for real! I wish that I could be there to support Iwatobi High School Swimming Club at the various tournaments. My heart goes out to all of you. Please continue to do your best in everything that you like! Have fun!
Ogenki de.
Eccentrically Yours.
Written by J.Fluffysheep ♪

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